Friday, November 27, 2020

The Song of Freedom


Today you surrendered the promise
You made in another life
To keep the little one safe
And small
And disconnected
From the unpredictable power
Of her own Life Force;
Buried alive.
Today you met the Gift
And danced with
The imprenetrable wall
The immovable force
The undeniable and Ultimate NO
That had no opposite.
Today the hundred veils are parted
And this Love
Reveals Itself as the One
Who has no opposite.
Dressed up in the garb of impenetrability.
The ten-ton weight
Has no substance;
Only Light!
Today you see with new eyes.
This is Remembrance.
This is the Return.
This is Reconciliation
Death and Resurrection.
Today as you dance with
The Keeper of Lost Secrets,
Darkness becomes your friend.
And Void reveals the gift
Of Promises made long ago:
The honey hidden in the comb.
Be the bee
Swim in this Ocean of Nectar
Dance in the Great Unknown
Sing the Song of Freedom.

(art by mara berendt friedman "phoenix")

Friday, October 23, 2020

Into the Mystery


This is the Mystery
That calls you into its depths;
That invites you to allow its darkness
to enfold you.
Can you stay? Can you open to its revelation?
Can you enter into this undefined place
Beyond all thought
Beyond all understanding
Beyond everything...and yet so intimately close.
Can you sing holy holy holy
as you walk in the deeps of terrifying Unknowing?
Can you let the Mystery have Her way with you now?

Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Jai Ma

(painting by Fawn McNeil)

Friday, October 16, 2020

This Holy Ground


It is time.
Come sit on this Holy Ground.
Open wide the Sacred Hoop.
Place the old stories gently into the fire
And with deep reverence, welcome
These waves of grief, the layers of ancient frozen pain.
Even the unholiest of Holies
Are now invited
to be met,
And intimately embraced
By this endless, living, luminous Love.
Everything welcome here.
Everything Sacred.
Your Holy Name.

(source of image unknown)

Monday, August 31, 2020

Because There is No "Other"

I had a dream last night.
I was sitting by the fire at the center of our camp,
And suddenly a wolf appeared, moving toward me from the forest.
He was in pain, blind to everything else around him, bearing his teeth, growling, and approaching quickly.

As he moved closer, 
He looked directly at me, and everything else faded away.
Just wolf and me.
And my heart broke open.
Here was my brother in pain. 
So I stood up, bowed to him,
And offered him my pipe.

He paused, looking with curiosity at this two-legged
Who was so bold, yet so kind.
Slowly, he bowed his head in recognition,
And all I could hear was the drumbeat of our hearts.
I began to move to that sacred rhythm, and
He joined in the dance.
Together we chanted
The Call of the One that we had each learned as a child:

“I see you. 
You are part of the Whole I am.
Each time you come to call,
I will acknowledge you
I will honor you
And then... 
We will dance!”

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Garden at Sunset


If you could pause, breathe, and look around,
You may notice that
Is singing a love song to the One
Who abides deep within your own heart.
pointing you back
to your Origins.
celebrating the utter magnificence
that is here right now.
bowing in Namaste.
The Infinite Ocean of Love is here.
You are its revelation.
Just be still.

(photo from my morning walk in the gardens)

Saturday, April 18, 2020

This Holy Communion

Right now,
I have no interest in ideas or insights.
I am taking a vacation from meaning making.

For now the Barred Owls' opera at midnight,
The silver foxes scurrying through the dappled forest,
The winged seeds as they spin their way from branch to earth,
The lake, as the infinite waves drift gently to shore,
The melodious call of winged things that ripples out for miles,
The turtles sunning themselves on every spare limb and rock,
The flash of blue as the thrush finds a perch on which to sing,
The deeply rooted peace as I sit in the sacred grove of Beech,
The way the leaves shimmer in the fresh eastern breeze;
This is my Temple. This my Holy Communion. 
My dissolution. My prayer.

Everything connected
Everything arising then falling back into this Silence
Singing your Holy Name.

Om Sat-Chit-Ananda.

(photo-Sunrise in Bushy Park - Max Ellis)