Friday, March 29, 2019

Everything Singing Your Holy Name

Have you noticed lately that Everything
Is singing a love song to the One 
Who abides deep within your own heart?
pointing you back
to your Origins.
celebrating the utter magnificence
that is here right now.
bowing in Namaste.
The Infinite Ocean of Love is here.
You are the revelation.
Just be still.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

No Boundary

Just stopping for a moment.
Allowing Life to reveal Itself.
Pursuing nothing
Protecting nothing
Knowing nothing.

Relaxing into this breath
Allowing yourself to be breathed
By Life Itself.
Allowing that every sound, sight, sensation
Is this magnificence
Is this vibrant Stillness
Is this alive Mystery
Is this embodied cosmic movement
We call Love.
Right Here
Where no boundary has ever existed
I am.

(Painting by Artam Rhads Cheboha)