Monday, September 28, 2015

The Gateless Gate

Today as the moon and the seasons conspire
To bring us Home,
Escorting us back through the Bindu gateway between formless and form,
Rest in the Stillpoint
Between exhale and inhale.
Pass through the eye of the needle...
And tell me what is not already Here.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The New Rhythm

Leaving the obligatory line dance
I move now with the rhythm of the tides.
Larger patterns call me.
A heavenly kaleidoscope turns...revealing patterns within patterns,
All moving

All interconnected
All singing...Om Namo Shivaya,
I am That.

(painting "Earth Prayer" - Kay Kemp)


Be still for just a moment,
And the inherent Unity 
That is always here, will
Reveal Itself.

Om Sat-Chit-Ananda

(Painting - Fr Arthur Poulin)