Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Light of a Thousand Suns

What shall I sing to you he asked
How can I light a candle in this darkness?
She held out her hand.
Come she said.
Come sit on the Heart stool
And I will show you the Light
Of a thousand suns;
This love of the Universe
for Itself
That shines inside your own chest
And inside the inside of everything
That exists.
Every particle dancing!
Everything Singing!
I Am This.

(art - "Revealing the Self" - Freydoon Rassouli)

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Altar of Now

Come, place this on the altar of NOW;
This thought
This agitation
This excitement
This fear
This expectation
This endless problem solving;
Place it all
on the altar of NOW.

Unclench your fist and
Just...let...go...into this moment,
Into your breath
Into your experience right Now.

Nothing you need to do
about anything out there right now

Open gently
Keep dissolving into this moment
Let your experience of Now
go deep and wide
Until there is nothing left but
This breath, this
Here. Now. This.

Experience what
Rumi meant when he said,
"Love said to me there is nothing
that is not me. Be silent."


Monday, November 11, 2019

Entering the Void

Many of us are moving through a powerful passage of opening to what is bigger and more real than any story we have had about who we have imagined we are supposed to be.  

As a part of this letting go and letting come, we will inevitably enter what some have called the VOID. A place that leaves us with little to say or think about anything. It can be a confusing passage as our culture has a bias toward action and knowing.

Yet this passage offers the invitation to stop looking outside for instruction, distraction, or validation through do-do-doing and go-go-going. Step by step we learn to say yes to this "not-knowing." Step by step we enter the Mystery with no guidance for the mind. Instead we drop our anchor into This moment. Only This moment. With each breath, each step, sinking more deeply into our own felt experience. Deeper and deeper we go into What has always been "closer than breathing nearer than hands and feet."

As Van Morrison sings...
"Let go into the mystery
Let yourself go
There is no other place to be
Baby this I know
You've got to dance and sing
And be alive in the mystery
And be joyous and give thanks
And let yourself go"


(art by Freydoon Rassouli)