Friday, July 24, 2015

Holy Holy Holy

This is Holy!
That is Holy!
Every deity, demon, lover, enemy, victory, defeat, boredom, thrill, death, rebirth...
Everything is IT.
Really IT.
The Ground of Being,
Appearing in a multitude of disguises.
Once we really get that,
What else is there to do, but...

(painting by Shiloh Sophia)

New Moon

She rises in the East,
Radiant in Her Emptiness,
Naked in her Unknowing.
And I,
Dancing in this illumined darkness,
To the Mystery.

I am Brahman

I am Brahman,
The seamless fabric of
The firmament,
The Divine impulse
That set worlds in motion.
There is nothing that is not me.
Let surrender happen,
It is not yours to do.
Your gratitude,
Your tears,
Your devotion;
All Me.
All mine.
Even your yes…

(image of Milky Way - Aaron Robinson June 23, 2015)

Entering the Mystery

This is the Mystery
that calls you into its depths;
That invites you to allow its darkness
to enfold you.
Can you stay? Can you open to its revelation?
Can you enter into this undefined place
Beyond all thought
Beyond all understanding
Beyond everything...and yet so intimately close.
Can you sing holy holy holy
as you walk in the deeps of terrifying Unknowing?
Can you let the Mystery have Her way with you now?

(image by Fawn McNeil)

The Field of Love

I am the Field
On which the gods and goddesses play;
The sacred temple of Light
Hidden in the deeps of the heart.
I am the Mother sending her emissaries of Love
Into the dense fog of forgetfulness
I am the Father, eternal sky,
Always present.
I am the cat in the tall grass…
And the dew on the grass…
And the mouse who innocently
goes about her business.
Come, enter the Temple of This.
There is nothing that is not Me.
Come,come and dance.