I had a dream last night.
I was sitting by the fire at the center of our camp,
And suddenly a wolf appeared, moving toward me from the forest.
He was in pain, blind to everything else around him, bearing his teeth, growling, and approaching quickly.
As he moved closer,
He looked directly at me, and everything else faded away.
Just wolf and me.
And my heart broke open.
Here was my brother in pain.
So I stood up, bowed to him,
And offered him my pipe.
He paused, looking with curiosity at this two-legged
Who was so bold, yet so kind.
Slowly, he bowed his head in recognition,
And all I could hear was the drumbeat of our hearts.
I began to move to that sacred rhythm, and
He joined in the dance.
Together we chanted
The Call of the One that we had each learned as a child:
“I see you.
You are part of the Whole I am.
Each time you come to call,
I will acknowledge you
I will honor you
And then...
We will dance!”