Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Deepest Rest

Let everything rest
In the Source of all things.
Let the mind rest in the Mind
Let the heart rest in the Heart
Let sensations rest in the Body
Just as the wave rests back in the Ocean
There is no effort required here.
Simply Ocean rising and falling as wave.
Continuous. Ever changing. 
Yet always Itself.
Just as exhale follows inhale
Allow the waves to come and go.
This is being as you Are.

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Love of the Cosmos for Itself

Sometimes your heart will break.
Sometimes you will be asked to bear the depths of humanity's grief and suffering
And it will seem an impossible task;
To bear witness to the upheaval and ignorance,
To watch the intractable forces,
To live in the midst of the inevitable breakdown
Of life as we have known it.

Be gentle and kind with yourselves
As waves of grief, resistance and anger arise,
Allow them to lift up like steam, dissolving
In the healing atmosphere
Of the Love of the Cosmos for Itself

It is only as we make room
For that which has remained homeless within us
That we can be a healing force for this world.

May we continue to bear witness
To take sacred action
And to meet all of it with Love.

(Painting Marina del Mar)