Thursday, October 19, 2017

Oh My Beloved

For lifetimes I have climbed mountains
And crossed deserts for the taste of just
One sweet kiss,
While you have been showering me
With this Love
from inside the inside of everything I have known.

All these years
I have been trying to woo you
While you have been
Kneeling at my feet in prayer.
Om Sat-Chit-Ananda.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Ham-Sa... Breath of Life

Everything dancing in Stillness
Everything singing what cannot be sung
Everything leading me back to the bindu threshold,
Back to the original seed
To swim in that Primordial Sea
Where there is nothing that is not You.

Monday, March 20, 2017



of bees...

into the Heart
of the 

(Art:  "Bhuveneshwari" by Simon H. Lilly)

Friday, February 24, 2017

Song of the Infinite

You move through the center of me
Like a river
No beginning, no 
Song of the Ancients
Song of the Cosmos
Song that can’t be sung

You sing me into existence
And back into Silence
Song of the immigrants
Song of the children
Song of the powerful
Song of the faithful
Song of the heretic
Song of the warrior
The only song that has ever been sung

You are the Music
I am the Lute.


(Photo of Alisa Weilerstein, by Lucio Lecce)

This Immensity

The dismantling is happening in earnest now.
These forms we have worshipped as
Our very self,
Our unassailable spiritual truths,
Our god given powers,
Our dreams and visions, our limits,
Our fears;
These containers of our knowing
Can no longer hold the immensity…
And so they are shattering everywhere,
Within and around us.
Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram...
We are awakening.

(Sculpture by Paige Bradley)