Sunday, December 13, 2015

Earth Rise

I have found myself weeping at the oddest moments these days.
Driving in the car, walking in the grocery store, talking with a friend,
As a wave of our shared grief, the pain of disconnection, arises.
This deep ancient pain of separation. 
This pain that can no longer be contained, denied, ignored.
I have found myself weeping at the oddest moments these days.
Driving in the car as I see the majestic Rockies just ahead
Revealing the unshakeable Grace that is always Here.
Walking in the Silent Night as the snow laden branches and silent fields
Carry the message of deep deep peace that is the Ground of our Being.
When I can pause, and open to the deep deep Silence underneath the chatter, When I listen with the heart,
There is the whisper of the peace that passeth understanding,
down in my heart, down in my heart,
Where it has always been...
Even as we are all being broken open to the Mystery
That is beyond anything we can imagine.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Return to Wholeness

Once upon a time
A line was drawn in the sand
To keep you safe as a little one;
Safe from harm, and
Safe from your elders' fears
Of their own unmet shadows.

You understood with your child's mind
That if you crossed this line, you would die.
It seemed so clear that
There was an abyss on the other side of that line,
Along with frightful child-eating monsters… so of course,
The command “stay back” was etched deeply
In a hidden place in the back of your mind,
And you never questioned it.

So that even now, decades later,
When life offers you a challenge to this carefully constructed identity,
Or a taste of freedom from the tyranny of this line,
The 9-1-1 alarms go off, and the old insistent commands take over…
“Danger! Danger! Get down. Back up. Don’t question, just stop… now!"

This line was constructed long ago with great intelligence
To keep the little one safe
In a world she did not yet have the tools to navigate.

And now the world is asking you
To return to the starting place.
To return to Who you were before the imaginary line of separation was drawn.
To return to Who you have always been.

So when you find yourself fighting old ghosts, holding yourself back,
Being triggered by someone who reflects what is not acceptable from behind the line…
When you feel contracted, restricted, agitated, or in great discomfort…
Welcome it all.

This is the invitation from the other side of the Line
To come Home again
To the vast expanse of Beingness you are.

Let this Self you are,
Be found…
Let It reveal Itself to you again and again,
And in doing so, you offer the world the same invitation…
To come Home
In ever expanding
Ripples of

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Gateless Gate

Today as the moon and the seasons conspire
To bring us Home,
Escorting us back through the Bindu gateway between formless and form,
Rest in the Stillpoint
Between exhale and inhale.
Pass through the eye of the needle...
And tell me what is not already Here.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The New Rhythm

Leaving the obligatory line dance
I move now with the rhythm of the tides.
Larger patterns call me.
A heavenly kaleidoscope turns...revealing patterns within patterns,
All moving

All interconnected
All singing...Om Namo Shivaya,
I am That.

(painting "Earth Prayer" - Kay Kemp)


Be still for just a moment,
And the inherent Unity 
That is always here, will
Reveal Itself.

Om Sat-Chit-Ananda

(Painting - Fr Arthur Poulin)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Love's Response

Greet each
and then pause,
and wait
for Love’s response.

(image - Greg Colbert)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Holy Holy Holy

This is Holy!
That is Holy!
Every deity, demon, lover, enemy, victory, defeat, boredom, thrill, death, rebirth...
Everything is IT.
Really IT.
The Ground of Being,
Appearing in a multitude of disguises.
Once we really get that,
What else is there to do, but...

(painting by Shiloh Sophia)

New Moon

She rises in the East,
Radiant in Her Emptiness,
Naked in her Unknowing.
And I,
Dancing in this illumined darkness,
To the Mystery.

I am Brahman

I am Brahman,
The seamless fabric of
The firmament,
The Divine impulse
That set worlds in motion.
There is nothing that is not me.
Let surrender happen,
It is not yours to do.
Your gratitude,
Your tears,
Your devotion;
All Me.
All mine.
Even your yes…

(image of Milky Way - Aaron Robinson June 23, 2015)

Entering the Mystery

This is the Mystery
that calls you into its depths;
That invites you to allow its darkness
to enfold you.
Can you stay? Can you open to its revelation?
Can you enter into this undefined place
Beyond all thought
Beyond all understanding
Beyond everything...and yet so intimately close.
Can you sing holy holy holy
as you walk in the deeps of terrifying Unknowing?
Can you let the Mystery have Her way with you now?

(image by Fawn McNeil)

The Field of Love

I am the Field
On which the gods and goddesses play;
The sacred temple of Light
Hidden in the deeps of the heart.
I am the Mother sending her emissaries of Love
Into the dense fog of forgetfulness
I am the Father, eternal sky,
Always present.
I am the cat in the tall grass…
And the dew on the grass…
And the mouse who innocently
goes about her business.
Come, enter the Temple of This.
There is nothing that is not Me.
Come,come and dance.